A Microsoft Office editor should be available at launch and based on these screenshots, its going to be pretty useful.
I'll have to fire up the Android emulator this weekend and see how this stacks up against mobile Google Docs and Spreadsheets.
[](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Ng3QbVQfLZ8/SBHoRfmVqOI/AAAA AAAARzk/Z6ryO5Ce-mo/s1600-h/veruca+salt.jpg)
Veruca Salt: Hey, Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa. I want you to get me an Oompa Loompa right away.
Mr. Salt: All right, Veruca, all right. I'll get you one before the day is out.
Veruca Salt: I want an Oompa Loompa now!
Violet Beauregarde: Can it, you nit!
(Willy Wonka & the Chocolate
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