I love using Google Bookmarks (usually
with the Google Toolbar) because it lets me get
to my bookmarks at home on my laptop or desktop, at work, or anywhere. It's
great. Now I'm using those bookmarks to power the
links section of
First we're going to need the
httplib2 library so we can
authenticate against Google and grab the bookmark feed and then the
ElementTree to help process the
rss feed.
import httplib2
from elementtree import ElementTree
Then we'll setup the link to pull the rss from, authenticate against the request, and pull back the feed
login = "timothy.broder@gmail.com"
password = "*****"
url = 'https://www.google.com/bookmarks/?output=rss#=1000'
h = httplib2.Http()
h.add_credentials(login, password)
resp, content = h.request(url, "POST", body="nt", headers={'content-type':'text/plain'} )
I figured for this a hashmap (or dictionary) would work well using the tags on the bookmarks as keys, pointing to lists of bookmarks. Then when we display them, just iterate through the keys. I also kept a list of the keys to make sorting faster later on. So we define our objects and then loop through the rss object pulling out the tags for keys, the names of the links, and the urls. I define a small Bookmark class which holds a name and url which will go into the hashmap to make storing the bookmark's easier. When I try to add a bookmark to the dict's list I try to append it, if the key(tag) doesn't exist I know I have to start a new list.
class Bookmark:
def __init__(self, name, link):
self.name = name
self.link = link
d = dict()
sort_keys = []
for item in tree.findall('item'):
key = item.findtext('{http://www.google.com/searchhistory}bkmk_label')
if (key != None) and (key != 'gpowered') and (key != 'BP') and (key != 'Quick Searches') and (key != 'Me'):
title = item.findtext('title')
link = item.findtext('link')
d[key].append(Bookmark(title.encode('utf-8'), link))
except KeyError:
d[key] = [Bookmark(title.encode('utf-8'), link)]
Then we'll sort the key list and the list of each key. To do this we need a small function that defines how to sort a bookmark
def bookmark_compare(a, b):
return cmp(a.name, b.name)
for key in sort_keys:
Check out the static HTML version Here. I also made a fancier version using YUI's TreeView