Tag: Calibre

Getting it onto the Kindle

Been loving my Kindle 3 since I upgraded from my sony reader. There are so many options for getting various reading materials onto it. Here are a few of the ones I like the best: Want to get some RSS feeds onto the Kindle? (12 feeds for free) KindleFeeder is the way to go. It also has a bookmarklet for capturing and sending whole pages from your browser.I use this to send articles in Google Reader that I want to read later to my Kindle. I use my starred items to do this. Starred items have their own RSS…

Sync side-loaded content between your Kindle and other devices

I read a lot of books on my kindle that I got from other sources, mostly Manning and O'Rielly, but these won't sync between my phone and my kindle.  Only books purchased from Amazon will sync between devices. [Again](http://timbroder.com/2011/01/getting-it-onto-the- kindle.html), Calibre to the rescue. For this to work, the book must already exist on the kindle and be sold through Amazon.  The example book I'm going to use is Version Control with Git. Add the book to your Calibre library Update any needed…