Category: productivity

How to Sync Basecamp Todos to Omnifocus or Todoist

Basecamp is a large part of our process at Ai. It tracks most of our communication (a lot of this has been moving to Slack). Basecamp serves as our system of record for signs-offs and deliverables. We also use it's "todo" function pretty heavily in the planning stages and tracking client tasks. Once we get into implementation, we transition to Jira, as it's more powerful. Clients do not have access to Jira. I don't have an issue tracking Basecamp tasks. It's really good at emailing you when something is due…

Sending Email to Omnifocus in Airmail2

Airmail2 is my desktop client of choice for Gmail. It keeps the same hotkeys as the web version of gmail and has some good integrations. In outlook, I use to send an email to Omnifocus. That workflow also attaches the outlook email to the task for easy reference later. I wanted something similar for gmail besides just forwarding the email to Omnifocus. With that, I still had to go find the email to actually reply to it. Omnifocus integration is the single most important reason (to me) for using Airmail…