A Preview Of What'S New In Basecamp 3

Check out the original article.

Basecamp 3 is coming and I'm exited. Below are excerpts from Basecamp's preview post on what I'm looking forward to most

Basecamp won'€™t send you any emails, push notifications, or in-app notifications if it's outside your specified work hours. Live a little! Work Can Wait until you're back at work.

group chat room for quick discussions

This is cool but it came a little too late. We've been using slack for project based and individual chat. It has a dedicated app that is easy to cmd+tab to. I see campfire in the browser sitting in an unchecked tab and not being useful

Show someone you care by clicking the Applause button on any message, comment, document, or answer on any automatic question. They'll get a discrete notification letting them know you appreciated what they said. This is a great way to show your support for someone’s suggestion, idea, or point of view without also sending a notification to everyone else on the project.

e.g. What did you work on today€ or Are you blocked on anything?)

Hmm, I wonder if this could be used for virtual scrum?

@mentions: Psst!


They'll instantly get a notification letting them know they've been mentioned, along with a direct link right back to where you mentioned them

If you're not in the desktop app

Buhhh wait what? Ok maybe what I said about the tabs and apps above might not apply

You can bookmark just about anything in Basecamp 3 so you can jump right back to it from anywhere else

This will be handy. Here are always a few key threads I end up digging for. Usually long running threads about key deliverables

At the bottom of every project is a timeline of all activity going back to the moment you started the project

I like this if search hadn't been improved. This has a lot easier than scrolling through all the lists looking for something around a certain time

So you can make a folder and put a photoshop file, a Google doc


Now you can assign to-dos to multiple people. Now you can set date ranges, not just single due dates. Now you can bulk assign multiple to-dos with a single click. Now you can select multiple to-dos and move them as a group.


Now you can save any new message or document as a draft before you publish it

Basecamp 3 allows you to see all the work you've assigned to other people

You can sign up for an early invite here