Hi all,
I've been away for a while and for this I apologize. It's been a combination of work, real life, and traveling (both for work and for fun). Since my last post I've been to Tokyo, Southern Ireland, Paris, London, and Colorado, the longest stint being in London where I was working for a while. Check out my photos below.
A lot has happened in my absence. At the top of my list are Android, Open Social, the Social Graph, and many many more. Just this morning RIM released an eclipse plugin for their IDE (the original one was a royal pain to get working on Linux). Expect me to try to get some Google API's running on it quite soon ;-)
I'm toying with changing the format of the blog slightly: less articles, more content in each post. I would love to do a couple of posts each day like I used to but with work I just don't have the time. I work on Lehman Brother's Brokerage Calculation Engine, and believe me, it never sleeps.
I do have quite a few projects in the works though and I'll be posting about them soon: I want to try to get Google Bookmarks into a BlackBerry app, another side project to track online social web presence, and another involving twitter (which i joined a little while ago) and gChat. Should be fun, stay tuned ;)