Last week recap

These are just a few highlights from while I was gone...

Google Starts talking about a possible coding competition and gives some practice problems. Maybe I'll take a crack at them on the train on Friday...

Google Mashup Editor had a feature release. Check out the post for the full list but my favorite new features include:

  • Ability to edit XML, CSS and HTML files uploaded into the editor.
  • New Tab styling and custom placement of tabs via CSS
  • Documentation for new features

Blogoscoped reported that iGoogle now has gadget to gadget communication. I think this will lead to the design of whole tabs with smaller more placeable gadgets that talk to each other rather then bigger uglier (possibly sluggish?) gadgets.

Jessen Oller: "Python 3.0 Alpha 1 released: You want it because it’s cool." Mmmmmmmmmm python. Get it here

GWT 1.4 came out of beta

Google Gears 0.2 developer release ready for download. New features include:

  • Crosss-origin API support
  • HttpRequest and Timer modules (can be used as workers)

Blogoscoped reported that there are now new layout options on iGoogle. Check it out

Google Spreadsheets got autocomplete. Its pretty nifty. It even understands Sun, Mon, and then what should come next, same for months and others.